Brainstorm of Blogging

I started   Blogging journey with Blogger and WordPress in 2008. When I was doing M.Sc( Computer Science & Technology) not for Blogging or digital marketing purpose but to learn how to make a website. Further,  in 2011  I developed a website ATMS College College and learnt many languages. Such as, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, SQL, VBScript, Perl other than what I learnt in my course, for instance, FORTRAN, Pascal, C, C++, Java, 8085, 8086 and many tools, such as, LEX, YACC, cURL, Socket Programming, CISCO Packet Tracing. Moreover, it was my passion to learn languages and tools. But when I completed my mater degree my interest toward research increased and got admission in PH.D. on the topic Ad Hoc Network and wrote some research papers. And you will also get bored that I learnt NS2, NS3, OmNet++, MATLAB and Latex. And I forgot every thing about web development till 2015, but I came across an article that “Top Blogs On The Internet” I feel competitiveness or jealous. I know about many languages and tools, why should I not share my skills to audience. And that day  I purchased a domain name and map to the blogger and I became busy with my research work, but there was a soft corner for Blobbing in heart.That  when I  am  free I  will start blogging and finally In November 2017.  I wrote 10 articles and launched two more blogs and and even apply for Adsense and it was approved. Furthermore, I am still doing part time blogging, but continuously and in the future. I will be blogging even I do not get money from. Friends, how did you start your Blogging journey paste in comment box, I will love to read.


To sum up, in this post I have explained about my Blogging story. If you have your own, share with me. I would love to read.

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