
Train a Simple Deep Learning Network using Keras and Iris DataSet

Keras Deep learning framwork is  very popular among researchers and developers which is built at top of Tensorflow. Furthermore, Keras is very handy and easy to use, creating layers and connections is matter of few lines of code.  In this post, I am going to explain, how you can train a simple Deep learning network […]

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Display Three Names at Delay of 10 Seconds using Arduino and LCD

In this post, we are going make a program which will show three names at delay of 10 seconds using Arduino microcontroller and Liquid Crystal Display. Moreover, you will require two libraries Wire and LiquidCrystal_I2C . Again LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); line sets LCD address at 0x27 having 16 columns and 2 rows. In the below program

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Create a Table in SQL and Select Data from Table

Structured Query Language (SQL) is  de facto language for storing and retrieving  structured data  from a table. In this post, we will create a database organization and inside this database we create  the following  table. Below  SQL code   creates  a table and inserts 5 records into Employee table. CREATE DATABASE if not exists organization; USE

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Mathematical Operations in Python using Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Python is an object-oriented language and a class can have properties and methods. In this post, I will create a simple class having a constructor __init__() and four methods namely mysum(), mymul(), mydiv() and mysub(). Moreover, they compute addition of two numbers, multiplication of two numbers, division of a number by another and subtraction  of

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