Paraphrasing In Writing To Avoid Plagiarism

Paraphrasing is a process of rewording of a sentence while retaining its original meaning.
According to Merriam-Wester dictionaryA restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form[1]”.
According to Purdue Online Writing Lab “Your own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else, presented in a new form[2]”.
Original-Students learn very easily through practical demonstrations.
Paraphrased- Hands-on classes can make students learn effortlessly.
Now, a paraphrased sentence can be used in your own article, essay, or in a research paper by giving credit to an author, a website, a book or to a research paper.
  • How to give credit to the authors?

If you are preparing to write an article, list the sources you have read and put at the end of the article with the numbers like [1], [2], [3]…. Such as books, research papers, monograms, website contents, images, and video lectures, and write the number at the end of the sentence. For example, I  have read this sentence from a source [3] like, “Without proper citation, your paraphrase could be construed as plagiarism”.

First paraphrase it, like, it is compulsory for a writer to cite the source with paraphrase otherwise it may be considered as plagiarism [3], here number [3] is the source  where you have taken idea from and you will put the source with a number at the end, in this case, it is [3].

Furthermore, taking ideas from an article, a video, a website is not an offense, but it is necessary to paraphrase before including in your article and give credit to them.  Further, it also provides more authentication to your article. Moreover, the best example is Wikipedia in which you will see that in an article number like, [1], [2], [3],……… and in and at the end of an article in References section the list of the original  sources from where the idea is taken from

  • Paraphrasing Tools– Some paraphrasing tools that can help you, try them, I am not going to explain here. 
Resources ( References)

[2]”Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words”, Retrieved on 21-11-2017, Retrieved from””.

[3] How to Paraphrase,  Retrieved on 21-11-2017, Retrieved from”

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