Automatic Circle Maker

What happens when a teacher teaches a mathematical concept theoretically? Children feel boring and do not pay attention, as a result the do not learn anything. To solve this problem we have developed a model circle maker. The objective of preparing this model is to teach small kids geometry using physical model. That will help a kid learning concepts of geometry very quickly.
In education of mathematics visualization plays very important role. Visual concepts are easily grasped by children’s mind. A child learns very quickly if he/her sees working concept visually. To carry this forward we have developed a circle maker model which can draw circle on a paper of different radii.
Required Materials-
The following materials will require for developing this model.
1-Gear Motor
2- 9 volt battery
3-Jumper Wires
4- Marker
Working of Model-
We have explained working of model in video. In which we have explained working of model in video. In which, we have explained how model works.
Conclusion and Future work-
To conclude, we have made circle maker, in future we will make models for drawing triangle, circle, square and other geometrical objects physically which will help children learn quickly.


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